Specialized services

We offer other specialized services using Best Available Technology for reliable and accurate data acquisition to the satisfaction of our clients.

Such specialized services include but not limited to:

• Drainage Integrity Assessment
• Asbestos Survey
• Soil Leachability Test
• Hot Work Assessment
• Fleet/Smoke Emission Test

Drainage integrity test is a non-destructive assessment of the internal condition of sewers, drains as well as water pipes. The test helps to detect any cracks, leaks and or blockages along buried pipes and drains.

It is important in planning, designing, operation and maintenance of pipeline drainages. It assists in developing an understanding of the need to replace or rehabilitate a pipe, and selecting appropriate and economical solutions for deteriorated pipes.

Asbestos surveys are commonly required as part of due diligence during commercial real estate transactions or financing, prior to demolition or renovation of buildings, or after suspected damage to buildings during flooding and after significant natural disasters.

Following discoveries of diseases and death relating to exposure to asbestos, its use as insulation material was banned in the late eighties. It is therefore prudent to obtain an asbestos survey on all facilities when suspected asbestos-containing material (ACM) is identified.

Leaching, the release of constituents to contacting water is a primary pathway for potential impact to human health and the environment during solid and hazardous waste disposal. Leachate test/assessment are necessary to determine whether or not specific disposal for a particular material will be sufficiently protective to avoid adverse impacts through constituent release to soils and groundwater. The test is used to estimate potential concentration or amount of waste constituents that can leach from a waste source to the surrounding environment.

Hot work, according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), is defined as any activity that involves burning, welding, utilizing fire- or spark-producing instruments, or creating a source of ignition. Workers are at risk in industrial sectors where flammables are frequently handled. The importance of doing a hot work hazard assessment is critical to workers’ health.

One of the key contributors to global warming is the increased emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Road transport emits mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and, to a smaller extent, oxides of nitrogen (NOx), particulate matters (PM) and hydrocarbons (HC). Assessment and calculation of these emissions is thus critical to any emission reduction programme.